Cold Coffee

A good refresher during summer time.


Cold Milk                    4 cups

Boiled water             1 cup

Instant Coffee Powder 6 teaspoon

Fresh Cream             1/2 cup

Sugar                          3 tablespoon

Crushed Ice


Dissolve instant coffee powder and sugar in boiling water and allow to cool.   Blend coffee mixture, milk, cream, and crushed ice in a blender till it becomes frothy.  Serve chilled.

Lemon Tea

My grandma’s medicine for sore throat.  Here I put recipe for cooled lemon tea.  It is a good refresher during summer.  But if you want you can drink it hot and add 4 or 5 teaspoon honey instead of sugar.  It is very effective for sore throat.


Water              2 cups

Tea powder             1 teaspoon

lemon juice             1/2 cup

Sugar             to taste

ice cubes


 Boil water.  Add tea powder and lemon juice.    Through a strainer strain tea.  Allow it to cool.  Add sugar to taste.  Put 3 or 4 ice cubes in it.


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